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I just let him. I let him have total control as that was part of the deal. Soon enough, he was through with that and told me to go to the back bedroom.There I took my shoes off and skirt, but I kept my panties on and shirt. I was going to let him find the suprise. I saw him come in. He went straight to the bathroom and I saw him down a couple of pills. He then came to the foot of the bed and disrobed entirely. I got back up and started to suck his cock again. cupping balls. Licking balls. Squeezing balls.Soon, he pushed me back on the bed and Grabbed for my shorts. He ripped them off and reveale my mid pubescent cock at full attention. I don't think he could have missed it before, but he did act suprised. It didn't stop him and he went straight to eating my ass. He lifted me up and Buried his tongue deep inside. He had to have done this before. Many times. Didn't take long before I was ready for it. So I begged him for his cock.He obliged, getting right up on me. Monica broke contact and her muffled voice reached Jennifer’s ears. ‘It’s a cock strap, it keeps him from coming.’ Jennifer gave it a kiss, and watched it enter Monica’s slit inches from her. Looking at it from this angle, and this closely was fascinating. It slid in and as it withdrew, it looked like Monica’s cunt was holding it, her labia trying to keep it in. ‘Jennifer, get the spinning vibrator we used the other night.’ Bill said as he slowly slid in and out of Monica. Jennifer rolled off of Monica and went to the drawer, now open and got the item. Turning she held it out to Bill. At his instruction she handed it to Monica and then got back on the bed. Monica’s reaching and grasping hands drug her into position, cowgirl style on Monica’s face, straddling Monica’s mouth. Jennifer felt the vibrator enter her, and all the buttons were pushed activating everything it had at medium speed. Jennifer felt the thing work it’s magic while Monica’s lips sucked on her clit. Monica came.
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